Thursday, May 27, 2010

Trio takes over the tasks of the DFB-media Director

Frankfurt -
Great excitement yesterday at the DFB headquarters at the Otto-Fleck-clearing.
After EXPRESS had reported exclusively about the fact that media director Harald Stenger DFB (58) is cut heavily into his skills and leave the end of Germany's largest sports federation must be the official confirmation has been sent.
The association established the new Directorate in the media with the "enormous challenges of the 2010 World Cup." It is also now clear who the new strong men in terms of public relations.
Ralf Köttker (39), a former reporter for the world coordinates, as manager of the newly formed Online GmbH and editor for the print media the other presserelevanten topics. Jens Grittner (39), spokesman of the organizing committee of the Women's World Cup 2011 in Germany, takes over the press and PR work for all women and the national team. Personal Press Officer of DFB President Theo Zwanziger is also Stephan shower (34).
Also of Interest
DFB media chief Harald Stenger has to go

Friday, May 21, 2010

Back from the realm of death

Denver -
Mike Hermanstorfer (37) was taken in a few minutes everything - and then returned.
His wife Tracy (33) was in labor, was given a spinal injection. All at once put out her heart.
All attempts by the medical team to resuscitate it were unsuccessful. The young woman was dead, the doctors told the man resolved that they must now bring the baby by Caesarean.
Because the mother was already dead for five minutes as they gave her no anesthetic when they opened the abdomen. But at the very moment when the boy was sent for, came back, her heart beat.
But now the boy was breathing no longer in the arms of a doctor. He showed no sign of life.
"My legs gave way under me. All I had in the world, had been taken from me within minutes, "says Hermanstorfer. "She handed me this lifeless bunch. It was very relaxed, had no life in it. "
But against all medical expectations, also fought the child back to life. The doctors are perplexed. They had "no idea" what had gone before him. Mother and baby are doing well again.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bonn cheaper than Cologne and Siegburg

Bonn - Finally a good news for all long-suffering gas customers. After the unprecedented price explosion in the previous year in 2009, the prices tumble.
The SWB just announced its third price cut this year. You will enter into force in summer.
Since Wednesday, it is a done deal: The first July reduce the Stadtwerke Bonn (SWB) their prices by a further 0.77 cents per kilowatt hour, or approximately 14 percent saving. This will Bonn to the regional pioneer in cheap gas prices.
Whether in Cologne, Troisdorf Siegburg: All over the prices of basic utilities are higher than ours. Only when they move to Bad Honnef Bonn gas could save the customer.
How amazing is the price of gas has changed, illustrates this comparison: while an average household Bonner (annual consumption of around 20 000 kilowatt hours) in December 2008 nor 1750 was € in annual natural gas costs, the budget stays the same after the first July only 1188 €. Almost one-third less.
And not only that SWB gas is cheaper. Almost all companies represented at the Bonn Market lower prices. energiehoch3 the price has been fixed. In mid-May Rhenag a cheaper tariff is set. The Mainova will monitor the market, then react. Just How Easy E and eco-party bright spot will not go along.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Capitalism: A love story (OV)

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A love story à la Michael Moore: "It is an excellent date movie. It includes everything that goes with it - desire, passion, romance and 14,000 jobs, which are deleted each day. It is a forbidden love, a love whose name they dare not utter. Hell, out with it: capitalism. "
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Michael Moore
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120?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
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        Capitalism: A love story (trailer)
What is the price America pays for its love of capitalism? In his inimitable way, to make a documentary filmmaker Michael Moore on the search for causes and effects of economic and financial crisis ... USA '09, FSK: ab 6 Start: 12.11.09
Capitalism: A love story (Teaser)

Monday, May 3, 2010

The fitness of Bayer's long-running mystery

Leverkusen - Bayer-star Simon Rolfes: If he were a car, he would not in any "margin-emerge Statistics. For this man has no margins - he runs and runs and runs.
For the 2005/06 season, the midfielder from Aachen Tivoli moved to the Bayer Cross - on the fourth match day he first stood in the starting lineup, and since then every time Leverkusen's first league game on the pitch.
Power of 82 league games in a row. This creates no other field players, Hamburger Danny Mills is the first "runner" in the "long-running table" already with 33 games - nearly an entire season - off ...
The first prerequisite for Rolfes' record - in addition to its playful qualities - is of course fitness. The only question is why the man is never hurt?
"I try as continuous as possible to prepare for each practice and every game," said the 26-year-old national team player and his fitness secrets revealed: "I do before each training session ten to 15 minutes individual gymnastics and strength exercises.
Perhaps it has been protected from injury. "His program, he had collected himself" from his own experience, this is also copied "to other players, and give some tips from the fitness trainers, even with the national team."
Last week was Rolfes time flat with the flu, but it has cured. And if he is not hit by the comet, he completed his 83rd Sunday in Cottbus League game in a row. His target for the second half: "The qualification for the UEFA Cup is our goal - but also our obligation."