Monday, June 14, 2010

Six-killer disguised as a tiler

Düsseldorf / Marburg - Heinz Nieder, the sought life imprisonment for six-murderer is caught. The police found him disoriented in the night of Friday before a hotel in the town of Stadtallendorf.
Presumably he had tried to kill herself with pills. The 49-year-old was taken by police in the University Hospital of Marburg.
Even if the Dusseldorf prosecutor for the judicial scandal of the spectacular low-flight can now breathe a sigh - a real successful criminal investigation was the arrest certainly not: "Happenstance" had his powerful fingers in the game.
"Heinz had worked in Lower Hesse in a tile-column," said the spokesman for the prosecutor, Johannes Mocken. "He lived as a" Ralf Moller "in a hotel in Stadtallendorf, from which he had checked out on Thursday."
Then he appeared again in the evening in front of the hotel, totally confused state. "The hotel owner called the police that the man was selling items as a" helpless person "in the University Hospital Marburg," said Mocken. Still looking for the killer was not detected. Not until the night staff meeting, the police learned of the search for low - and went again to the hospital to arrest him.
There, Heinz was treated for a low tablet poisoning in intensive care. "He was there, heavily guarded," said Mocken. "However, it was his health rapidly improved, so that he could be brought into the prison Hagen." On Friday at 18.30 clock struck a low there.
On the weekend before (the request for detention was accessing very long) he had visited his mother unmolested in Thuringia, told her: "I will not take up the prison - before I kill myself!"
How Mocken acknowledged that investigators had detected on Wednesday in Lower Saxony, Germany phone Stadtallendorf. Manhunts there remained unsuccessful. So it would have the murderer almost managed to evade detention by a suicide. Mocken defended his agency: "It was not legally possible to secure the Lower Saxony of sentence by a warrant or an observation."
More about Heinz Down: So linkte the six-murderer wanted to> the police Heinz Down to commit suicide? >