Saturday, March 20, 2010

Marital drama in Angermund

Dusseldorf - How desperate must have been this couple? In a residential area in Angermund on Friday afternoon, a 52-year-old man first wife (48) and then shot himself.
It happened to clock 17.20. Neighbors in the street 'Anger Benden "had heard a shot from an apartment building. They alerted the police. Shortly thereafter, a patrol car guard Lohausen was at the scene.
The two officials initially rang. When nothing happened, they drew their service pistols, broke open the door to the apartment.
In the kitchen, the police made the horrific discovery. The man and the woman lay lifeless on the floor. In addition, a large caliber weapon. The ambulance, which had arrived a little later, could only confirm the death of the couple.
Police spokesman Andre Hartwich the Express: "The investigation of the weapon continues. The evidence at the crime scene is not yet complete. "
A motive for the act of desperation on Friday evening was not known. Further investigations in this marital drama took over the homicide division of the Düsseldorf police headquarters.