Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Graphic sued "crime scene" and wants to 150,000 €

Munich --
Criminal court for the "crime scene": graphic designer in Munich, argues Kristina Böttrich-Merdjanowa for more money.
She says she has designed the opening credits of the legendary crime series, but only 2,500 received from the D-Mark Bayerische Rundfunk (BR). The court could even ascribe it to 150,000 euros.
An eye in the crosshairs, a fingerprint, legs - the "crime scene" Trailer everybody knows. For 40 years he has remained, as part of the crime of murder. But who invented it?
The freelance graphic designer and Trickfilmerin Kristina Böttrich-Merdjanowa claims to be the originator. 1969-Böttrich GEO Merdjanowa worked for the film production company. That no longer exists. Many participants are already dead, all others are retired.
Until now, BR-editor Peter Hoheisel has been called the father as a header. He was then editor in chief, says the process start, but: "I have never claimed to be authors." Cinematographer Bernard Niedermayr: "Artistically, the applicant has had in any case the shots."
Similarly, the presiding judge, Thomas Kaess came to assessing the evidence: "A copyright of the applicant can not be disputed."
On 3 March will decide whether the television Böttrich-Merdjanowa named as the originator of the header and you must pay a fee for delivering broadcast of the last ten years.
The "crime scene" header has already been provided for dispute. Cast Horst Lettenmayer, whose legs and eyes are seen in the trailer, it considered whether a complaint because it only 400 marks for the scenes, the production company had given him, but promised a new twist with better remuneration. To the process but it never came.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Giants: Special duel Bogojevic

Dusseldorf - When the Giants meet Sunday afternoon (16 clock) to the 46ers in the casting Reisholzer sports temple, it is for Vladimir Bogojevic a special duel.
For the former building of the players Dusseldorf Magics moved on Thursday after the home defeat of the Hessians against Brunswick on the emergency brake and fired coach Simon Cote.
Following discussions with the club's management is installed, the sports director himself as the new chief at the Court "That makes things easier for us. Casting will be for us an uncomfortable nut, "Giants coach Achim Kuczmann feared a serious game. Even if the 46ers are just next to last, we must be careful. Otherwise, we experience a nasty surprise. "
For the preparation was on the first home game of the season is anything but good. Logan Kosmalski and Brant Bailey toiled around with a flu virus, but will accrue, so that only vary Gordon Geib and Matthias Godecke. Kuczmann: "We want to gild the second victory in 2009, to the success of Quakenbrück too."

Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Gladbach rises ..."

Hoffenheim - He walked a half years ago from the Champions League in the Regionalliga to Hoffenheim lead eventually to the national forefront.
Now Ralf Rangnick has arrived after a short time at least already in the middle of the second division, will now be stumbling Leaders Gladbach. The coach of the EXPRESS interview.
Her colleague Jos Luhukay has Hoffenheim still rise as a candidate on the bill.
We are dealing with something not at all. If we look on the table, then we have the distance down. That was nine points after the last game, there were seven upwards. We want to widen the gap further down, everything else makes no sense.
Bundesliga Hoffenheim is that in the long run, it seems, given the financial strength but decided for many thing.
From the speeches is not yet risen. We sat a half years ago, have said that we want to be in the Bundesliga, within five years. Since the rise was not earmarked in the past season, we are now a year ahead of our time. We have a young and evolving team, and if we hinzubekommen summer another two or three players of that quality, we can certainly play at the start of the climb.
Game: Your opponent has personal concerns.
Could be. But on the other side comes back Friend, Neuville can play in the defense has been upgraded with Small. This is still a team that is topbesetzt. If such a quality I like Polanski or Rafael had to sit on the bench, I can not talk about personnel issues.
Borussia has for you the best cadres of the league?
This is obvious, but the table says it all. Gladbach has now 37 points. The climb in any case, even if they lose with us today.
A defeat would have been a 0-0 shutout in the first leg can give.
It was a good game from us, with two different halves. In the last 20 minutes we were lucky, on the other hand, we had a half hour can lead 2-0. One can not compare, however. Gladbach is now much more stable and has increased self-confidence.
But you also. Can we expect a great game?
From the starting position here is that a thrilling and exciting game in which viewers can look forward to many offensive actions.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The place is behind the tortoise

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White - It is made of bronze, several hundred pounds is heavy, and the middle in white. But what does one do the turtle? And why do the same sculpture stands at the district government in Arsenal Street? Professor Elmar Hillebrand explains what is going on with his turtle on him.
Veedel Every child knows the turtle from White. And the adults meet on Sunday at the "Turtle Place" for bocce games. But outside the Veedel the story behind it is quite unknown.
"Years ago, I won a contest the city of Cologne and was then poured the turtle sculpture," says Professor Elmar Hillebrand. The renowned sculptor who has worked for the maintenance department and worked at the RWTH Aachen University: "It was twice as expensive here, I could make the turtles in Milan." So he got two for one price.
The first statue landed at the district government, the second loan was in the garden of his daughter. Years passed before putting up the second turtle was stamped in white and the "Piazza Tartaruga" was born.
One other had the 84-year-old with white: the former Domstatue "Nepomuk", he built up again, the Chapel of St. George, he re-designed with other whites.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Line 601: Duo breaks Passenger (18) the nose

Bonn - flogging attack in a packed bus! Two boys (14) tried to anger - and found a victim. John B. (18, name changed), who sat in front of them. They sprayed the elderly with deodorant, then beat and kicked him brutally. Krass: Apparently, John was nobody to help. Even the bus driver should be continued on despite the loud screams of other passengers.
Police spokeswoman Daniela Lindemann confirms the fact: "We investigate the 14-year-old on suspicion of dangerous bodily harm and robbery." Robbery because the perpetrators from their victim, which was followed with a broken nose on the Busboden, the MP-3 players decreased .
John B: a random victim. The students sat for lunch later in the SWB line 601, when he was the duo behind ansprühte with deodorant. "What's that?" He wanted to know - since he already had a fist in the face! The 14-year-olds fought without hesitation, to one to John. When did the escape into the corridor, they beat and kicked him. So brutal that the 18-year-old fell - and broke her nose!
Other passengers are said to have loud prompted the driver to keep. But the first stopped at the stop "Friedrich-Wöhler-Strasse. Shortly thereafter, while police were there - but the young offender away! When the bus door opened, they were now out and ran away towards Brussels road.
But: The witnesses led investigators on their trail. Passengers were able to describe the thugs not only good but also knew the school to which they go - and parts of names or their nicknames.
Lindemann: "The suspects were identified and subsequently being arrested." After discussions with the parents, the 14-year-old came back released. There were no grounds for detention. Although both have a lot to answer for, are already polizeibekannt for bodily injury. Under the category "Intensivtäter" but they fall (yet). Because of the beating attack on a bus they now expect a big criminal case.
As the bus driver of the Stadtwerke (SWB) has commented on the incident is still unknown. Stadtwerke spokesman Werner shui: "The incident is known to me, he is currently being examined."

Thursday, April 1, 2010

CDU may not advertise with Horst Schlämmer

Grevenbroich - swatter for the CDU: The party can not win with the likeness Schlämmer vonHorst alias Hape Kerkeling.
Then the knocking dieProduktionsfirma Kerkeling film "a candidate Ish!".
In einerCDU-election campaign ad was a photo of Schlämmer with Ursula Kwasny, CDU candidate for mayor of Grevenbroich see.
"Of course würdeHorst Schlämmer only for his own party - to make the Horst Schlämmer Party - advertising," the company said on Donnerstagmit. Then you've also pointed out in the CDU Grevenbroich.
The party had assured then that there had been a question of eineeinmalige action.
"This shows that at the moment vieleversuchen, stepping-stone to go," said film producer with Barbara Kranz.
HERE the trailer to the campaign film "Horst Schlämmer - Ish a candidate look" (cinema release August 20):
HERE the election advert for the HSP look:
More Schlämmer News: Horst-Schlämmer party would have real opportunities! > Horst Schlämmer opened the campaign> Horst Schlämmer is now movie star> Now wants Horst Schlämmer still be Chancellor>