Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Graphic sued "crime scene" and wants to 150,000 €

Munich --
Criminal court for the "crime scene": graphic designer in Munich, argues Kristina Böttrich-Merdjanowa for more money.
She says she has designed the opening credits of the legendary crime series, but only 2,500 received from the D-Mark Bayerische Rundfunk (BR). The court could even ascribe it to 150,000 euros.
An eye in the crosshairs, a fingerprint, legs - the "crime scene" Trailer everybody knows. For 40 years he has remained, as part of the crime of murder. But who invented it?
The freelance graphic designer and Trickfilmerin Kristina Böttrich-Merdjanowa claims to be the originator. 1969-Böttrich GEO Merdjanowa worked for the film production company. That no longer exists. Many participants are already dead, all others are retired.
Until now, BR-editor Peter Hoheisel has been called the father as a header. He was then editor in chief, says the process start, but: "I have never claimed to be authors." Cinematographer Bernard Niedermayr: "Artistically, the applicant has had in any case the shots."
Similarly, the presiding judge, Thomas Kaess came to assessing the evidence: "A copyright of the applicant can not be disputed."
On 3 March will decide whether the television Böttrich-Merdjanowa named as the originator of the header and you must pay a fee for delivering broadcast of the last ten years.
The "crime scene" header has already been provided for dispute. Cast Horst Lettenmayer, whose legs and eyes are seen in the trailer, it considered whether a complaint because it only 400 marks for the scenes, the production company had given him, but promised a new twist with better remuneration. To the process but it never came.