Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Line 601: Duo breaks Passenger (18) the nose

Bonn - flogging attack in a packed bus! Two boys (14) tried to anger - and found a victim. John B. (18, name changed), who sat in front of them. They sprayed the elderly with deodorant, then beat and kicked him brutally. Krass: Apparently, John was nobody to help. Even the bus driver should be continued on despite the loud screams of other passengers.
Police spokeswoman Daniela Lindemann confirms the fact: "We investigate the 14-year-old on suspicion of dangerous bodily harm and robbery." Robbery because the perpetrators from their victim, which was followed with a broken nose on the Busboden, the MP-3 players decreased .
John B: a random victim. The students sat for lunch later in the SWB line 601, when he was the duo behind ansprühte with deodorant. "What's that?" He wanted to know - since he already had a fist in the face! The 14-year-olds fought without hesitation, to one to John. When did the escape into the corridor, they beat and kicked him. So brutal that the 18-year-old fell - and broke her nose!
Other passengers are said to have loud prompted the driver to keep. But the first stopped at the stop "Friedrich-Wöhler-Strasse. Shortly thereafter, while police were there - but the young offender away! When the bus door opened, they were now out and ran away towards Brussels road.
But: The witnesses led investigators on their trail. Passengers were able to describe the thugs not only good but also knew the school to which they go - and parts of names or their nicknames.
Lindemann: "The suspects were identified and subsequently being arrested." After discussions with the parents, the 14-year-old came back released. There were no grounds for detention. Although both have a lot to answer for, are already polizeibekannt for bodily injury. Under the category "Intensivtäter" but they fall (yet). Because of the beating attack on a bus they now expect a big criminal case.
As the bus driver of the Stadtwerke (SWB) has commented on the incident is still unknown. Stadtwerke spokesman Werner shui: "The incident is known to me, he is currently being examined."